Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the
Legislative Round-Up was conceived
Bills, Resolutions & Letters
The Saga of S. 1
On the Record
Shameless plug: The Forward 1/7/19: The
Surprising New Battleground In the War Against Palestinian Rights: Your Local Courthouse (by Lara Friedman,
examining “the “ongoing and expanding campaign that seeks to exploit America’s laws, regulations, courts, and
financial systems as tools to target Palestinians and to quash international support for and solidarity with
Another shameless plug: At the end of 2018, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act and state anti-boycott laws broke through
into the public debate. Now, with the debate over the Combating BDS Act, that debate continues. For folks following
or writing on these bills and the related issues, or simply looking to learn more, I've made it super easy by
compiling source docs, court docs, expert analysis, etc all in one place: Constitutionality Issues & BDS
Legislation: Source Docs & Expert