Government Relations
APN maintains strong relationships with Members of Congress, congressional staff, and Executive Branch officials. A non-partisan organization . with a non-partisan mission, APN supplies timely information, analysis, expertise and education, providing a pro-Israel, pro-peace, American Jewish perspective on issues and legislation related to Israel and the quest for Middle East peace and, security. APN also engages in advocacy, directly and through its nationwide Action Network, to promote pro-Israel/pro-peace legislation and policy
APN publishes the Legislative Round-Up -- the most comprehensive resource available anywhere on Middle East-related developments on Capitol Hill -- every Friday when Congress is in session. APN also hosts policy briefings on Capitol Hill and brings experts to meet with policy makers to maintain a steady flow of balanced information from the region.
As anybody who follows Israeli-Palestinian issues knows, on December 31, 2014, after the UN Security Council rejected a Jordanian-backed resolution that would have imposed terms of reference and a timeline for Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Palestinian President Abbas did something – not everyone seems clear what – in the international arena. This Q&A looks at what Abbas actually did and did not do, and what U.S. law says about those actions.
1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Hearings
3. Members on the Record
4. From the Press
Congress is out of session next week, so no Round-Up! And to all who are celebrating, Shana Tovah!
1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters re: Israel-Palestine Crisis
2. Bills, Resolutions & Letters re: Iran diplomacy
3. Hearings
4. Members on the Record
(Congress is in recess August 2 – September 2; the Round-Up will likewise be in recess during this period)
1. Bills & Resolutions
2. Hearings
3. Members on the Record
4. From the Press
With apologies for the irregular timing of the Round-Up – a victim of summer travel plans…