To the Protestors Defending Israeli Democracy:
As Members of Congress and friends of Israel, we write to voice our support and admiration for the
groundswell of pro-democracy activism in Israel in recent months. Through peaceful protests and strikes, you have
delayed the advancement of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s extreme plan to eviscerate the independence of the Israeli
judiciary, and we’re hopeful that through continued activism, you will stop it once and for all.
Along with so many of you and with our own constituents, we’ve watched with dismay as the governing coalition
has forged ahead with judicial overhaul legislation that would do profound harm to Israel’s democratic
institutions. The legislation gives the governing coalition control over critical judicial appointments, enables
the Knesset to overturn Supreme Court decisions with a simple majority vote, ends judicial review of Israel’s Basic
Laws by the Supreme Court, and sharply curtails the Court’s ability to review other laws. If enacted, this proposal
would virtually eliminate the checks and balances that are crucial to maintaining a healthy democracy.