Lara Friedman at Roanoke College - Israel-Palestine Peace Month

On April 1, 2015, Lara Friedman (Director of Policy and Government Relations) participated at the "Israel-Palestine Peace Month" event at Roanoke College. After speaking to a class about the lessons of Passover apply to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Friedman addressed a gathering of over fifty students, faculty, and community members about settlements, the occupation, and the potential for a new U.S. approach to achieving a two-state solution.


Organized by Jewish-American and Palestinian-American students at Roanoke, the month-long series of events also includes Shlomo Brom of the Center for American Progress, Palestinian Ambassador to the United States Maen Areikat, Daoud Nassar of Tent of Nations, and a performance by the Israeli-Palestinian youth band Heartbeat. 

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For more information about the program, go here.