APN SoCal Breakfast Program - "Nice or Necessary? Jewish-Arab People-to-People Programs

APN in Southern California is a co-sponsor of the following breakfast program to be held on Wednesday, February 4:

Nice or Necessary? Jewish-Arab People-to-People Programs

Breakfast Program with Joel Braunold, U.S. Director of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015, 8:00 a.m.

Lenny's Deli (back room)
2379 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles (at Pico)

Bagel Breakfast: $15 (pay at door)

RSVP to apnwest@peacenow.org or 323-934-3480

Sponsors: Americans for Peace Now, American Friends of Neve Shalom Wahat al Salaam, J Street, Partners for Progressive Israel


The Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) is a network of organizations that seek to build a secure just and sustainable peace, and conduct civil society work in conflict transformation, development, coexistence and cooperative activities on the ground in the Middle East among Israelis, Palestinians, Arabs, and Jews.

There are more than 80 member organizations in ALLMEP, including the Arab-Jewish Village Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam and the bilingual and multicultural Hand in Hand schools, the Jerusalem one recently attacked in a hate crime.

Joel Braunold is the U.S. Director of ALLMEP, after having previously served in leadership roles in London and New York at the ALLMEP member organization PeaceWorks Foundation/OneVoice Movement. He has received the Avi Schaefer Peace Innovation Prize, and his insightful analysis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been published by national and international media outlets, including Ha'aretz.com, the New York Daily News, the Guardian, the Huffington Post and the Daily Beast.