Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
1. Bills,
Resolutions, Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record
New from FMEP this week:
- UPCOMING Webinar 4/26/22: Legalized Discrimination: How Israel’s “Citizenship & Entry” law harms Palestinian families by design, ft. featuring Member of Knesset Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash/Joint List), Dr. Morad El Sana (American University) and Dr. Hassan Jabareen (Adalah) in conversation with Lara Friedman (FMEP)
- Podcast 4/22/22: Not a “Cycle of Violence” but a Cycle of Impunity, ft. Saleh Hijazi (Amnesty International) in conversation with Lara Friedman (FMEP) about the root causes of the violence currently in the headlines
- Podcast 4/19/22: (Another) Crisis in Jerusalem – an Israeli Perspective, ft. Aviv Tatarsky (Ir Amim) in conversation with Lara Friedman (FMEP)