APN-OC: Op-eds - Israeli Settlements

Ibish_SettlementsIllegal Of Course Settlements are Illegal
Hussein Ibish / Foreign Policy
May 15, 2013

"One of the most tiresome things about a long-term engagement with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the endless need to push back against those who insist on living in a more pleasurable but entirely fictive alternate reality . . ." Read More >


Laying Bare The Facts About Netanyahu And The Settlements
Lara Friedman / The Daily Beast
January 18, 2013
"On December 31, 2012, Time Magazine published an article entitled, “The West Bank’s 2012: The Year of the Israeli Settlement.” Earlier this week, the Israeli Peace Now movement released a new report that makes a case for a different title: 2009-2013: the Years of the Israeli Settlements . . ." Read More >


Lara Friedman Responds to Dani Dayan
Lara Friedman / The Daily Beast
July 26, 2012

"Today’s New York Times features an op-ed by Dani Dayan, the head of the Yesha Council (the group that represents settlers and their interests). There isn’t really any news here: it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the settlers want the world to believe that settlements are good, peace efforts are pointless, and that the way forward should be premised on leaving all settlements in place, and leaving the West Bank under Israeli control . . ." Read More >


How Settlers Prevented The Construction of a Palestinian Hospital
Hagit Ofran / The Huffington Post
February 18, 2010
"Once again, even Americans can not stand up to a small group of settlers, who show - more often than not - that they have the last word on what takes place in the West Bank. This time, a small group of settlers insisted, and succeeded, to squash a plan for building a hospital for Palestinian children at "Oush Grab" ("the Crow's Nest") east of Bethlehem . . ." Read More >


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Clinging to a Virtual Reality


by Lara Friedman, Daniel Seidemann

At the crux of the ongoing controversy over Google's decision to recognize "Palestine" on its google.ps landing page is an emphatic refusal by some in Israel (and abroad) to accept empirical reality. That reality is pretty uncomplicated. Most of the world today recognizes the Palestinians as a people. Most countries have voted at the U.N. to recognize Palestine as a theoretical state that must one day come into being in areas currently controlled by Israel. No nation on earth endorses Israel's continued occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem; Israeli actions to further entrench the occupation continue to provoke global condemnation.


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APN Legislative Round-Up: Week ending May 10, 2013

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. The Israel/Visa Waiver Program Controversy - the Facts
3. Hearings
4. Members on the Record
5. From the Press/Blogs

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Bibi's Settlement Restraint


by Lara Friedman

People keep asking me: "Have you seen the news? Has Bibi actually frozen settlements? What does this mean?"

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East Jerusalem - By the Numbers

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (May 7, 2013)
Facts and figures on the life of Palestinians in Jerusalem, detailing the effects that Israeli policies have on their basic rights. Read More >

APN Legislative Round-Up: April 18 - May 3, 2013

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Syria on the Hill
3. Members on the Record
4. From the Press/Blogs

Note: Both the House and Senate were in recess this week.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: Week Ending 4/18/13

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. SFRC Amends S. Res. 65
3. Hearings
4. Kerry on the Record, on the Hill

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A Victory in the Senate (Possibly Two!)

IranMap186x140Last month, we asked you to take action on an AIPAC-backed resolution, S. Res. 65. We were concerned that this resolution, if passed in its original form, could become a "backdoor to war" with Iran, giving a green light for Israeli military action against Iran that would almost certainly compel the U.S. to join the fight.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: Week Ending 4/12/13

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. FY14 Function 150 (Foreign Affairs Funding) Request
3. Hearings
4. Members on the Record
5. From the Press

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APN Legislative Round-Up: Week Ending 3/22/13

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Consolidated Appropriations Bill Passes (HR 933)
3. Hearings
4. Members on the Record
5. From the Press

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