Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #11

11_SunsetsA deal that “sunsets” after 10 or 15 years is no good – it just means that Iran will wait and ready itself and then go nuclear the minute a deal ends.

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Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #10

Threat_to_the_worldA nuclear deal with Iran will leave Iran as a threat to the world and an existential threat to Israel, will sell out our allies in the Gulf, and will fuel a nuclear arms race in the region.

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Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #9

9_CentrifugesThe current negotiations are leaving in place too many Iranian centrifuges.  The more centrifuges left spinning, the greater the threat Iran poses.

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Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #8

8_SneakoutThe real issue isn’t “breakout” but “sneak-out.”  It doesn’t matter how many limits or safeguards you put into place – Iran will cheat and we will wake up one day to find Iran armed with nuclear bombs.

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Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #7

7_Breakout_timeOne-year “breakout” time for Iran to become a nuclear state is way too short. If Iran decides to dash to get a bomb, it will already be too late.

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Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #6

6_RegimeA deal with Iran over its nuclear program will only strengthen and enrich an odious, extremist regime, and in doing so increase the threat of extremists everywhere.







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Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #5

5_Human_RightsIt would be wrong to make any nuclear deal with Iran unless that deal also held Iran accountable for its terrible record with respect to human rights and civil liberties inside Iran.

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Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #4

4_TerrorismIt would be wrong to make any nuclear deal with Iran unless that deal also held Iran accountable for its support for terrorism and extremism, in the region and beyond.

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Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #3

3_MullahsAny deal with Iran is a bad deal, because the mullahs can’t be trusted.


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Bogus Bibi Argument Against an Iran Deal #2

2_Zero_EnrichmentThe only good deal with Iran is one that leaves Iran with zero enrichment capacity.

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