Recommended Reading on the JCPOA - 1-year Anniversary

Secretary_Kerry_greets_Iranian_Foreign_Minister_Zarif474x531War is Boring 7/15 (Joe Cirincione & Geoff Wilson): The Cavalier Crusade for a War With Iran

Politico 7/15: Inside the Plan to Undo the Iran Nuclear Deal

7/14: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the one year anniversary of the JCPOA

Al-Monitor (AC’s Barbara Slavin) 7/14: Channel to monitor Iranian procurement awaits real test

The Hill 7/14 (Tom Collina of Ploughshares) 7/14: The Iran deal is working. Don’t mess with success.

Center for a New American Security (CNAS) 7/14: The JCPOA with Iran, One Year Later

Think Progress 7/14: One Year Later, Ordinary Iranians Aren’t Seeing The Benefits Of The Iran Deal

HuffPo 7/14 (Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL): Let’s Celebrate The One-Year Anniversary Of The Iran Deal Instead Of Undermining Its Progress

HuffPo 7/14 (former Rep. John Tierney): The Iran Deal: One Year Later, The Facts Point To Success

Vox 7/14: It's been a year since the Iran deal was signed. So far, it’s worked.

Politico 7/14: Kerry: Iran nuclear deal has 'made the world safer'

New Yorker 7/14: Will the Iran Nuclear Deal Survive? (Robin Wright)

AP 7/14: Obama marks anniversary of nuke deal; GOP aims to undermine

CNN 7/14: Iran nuclear deal one year out: The good, bad, and ugly

CNN 7/14: Iran nuclear deal at anniversary not the rallying cry GOP sought

Reuters 7/14 (Commentary): A year after nuclear deal, sanctions still hurt Iran 7/14: John Bolton: Obama’s Iran Deal Was ‘Diplomatic Waterloo for the United States’

Al-Monitor 7/14: Iran takes page from US Treasury’s playbook

LA Times 7/14: One year later, White House claims success in Iran nuclear deal

J St Blog - Uzi Eilam 7/14: I ran Israel's Atomic Energy Commission. I know the Iran deal is working.

WINEP 7/13 (Olivier Decottignies): Europe and the JCPOA

Trend 7/13: Iran says nuclear deal upheld so far

Jerusalem Post 7/13: Iran deal opponents play a long game, hoping for toughness from Clinton

The National Interest 7/13: Why America Needs an Interests Section in Iran

New York Times 7/13: Iran Sticks to Terms of Nuclear Deal, but Defies the U.S. in Other Ways

Washington Post 7/13: Corker has a new Iran sanctions bill, but more bipartisan support may be hard to come by

JTA 7/13: Possible Clinton VP choice, an ex-NATO chief, slammed Iran deal and has close Israel ties

The Atlantic Council 7/12: A Year On, Iran Nuclear Deal is Working, but Challenged (Barbara Slavin)

LobeLog 7/12: Anniversary of Iran Nuclear Deal: Neocons Still Anti-Diplomacy

Politico 7/11: Politicians, diplomats pen letter urging stronger ties with Iran (letter is here, signed by 75 national security leaders)

+972 (Shmuel Meir) 7/9: One year on: The Iran deal has fulfilled its promise

Summary of Recent Brookings Poll Findings on American Attitudes Toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Americans for Peace Now / (July 13, 2016)
Summary results of the surveys on American attitudes towards Muslims and Islam before and after the Orland massacre. Report shows that despite anti-Muslim rhetoric of the presidential election campaigns, and that the Orlando shootings were executed by a radicalized Muslim, 58% of those questioned before Orlando, and 62% of those after Orlando held favorable attitudes towards Islam. Read More >



APN Legislative Round-Up: July 8, 2016

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record

NOTE: July 14 will mark the one-year anniversary of the JCPOA. It is likely no coincidence that this week and next week, Iran is a big topic of discussion and grandstanding around Iran.

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APN’s Proud Record on BDS

As an organization dedicated to peace and security for Israel – and committed to the belief that Israel has a right to exist and that its legitimacy as a state is beyond question – APN has wrestled with the challenge posed by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS). We have studied both the BDS movement and the efforts to combat it. We have listened closely to arguments and narratives of BDS proponents and detractors. And while APN firmly opposes BDS targeting Israel, we have concluded that many anti-BDS efforts are misguided and counter-productive.

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Resources on the Question of Constitutionality & anti-BDS/pro-settlements laws


On June 7, 2016, APN published its own "explainer" laying out in detail the reasons why the anti-BDS/pro-settlements Executive Order signed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is unconstitutional. You can find that explainer - which applies in all or in parts to anti-BDS/pro-settlements legislation being pushed and adopted in states across the U.S. -- here.

APN is by no means alone in its conclusion that this E.O., and similar legislation, is unconstitutional. For analysis/opinions from other groups, including major civil liberties organizations, see below.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: June 18 - July 1, 2016

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Legal Duality in the Occupied West Bank

Hiba Husseini / Palestine-Israel Journal (July 1, 2016)
The dual legal systems violate the human rights of West Bank Palestinians under both Israeli and international standards by infringing on their access to justice, human dignity and equality. Read More >

APN Legislative Round-Up: June 17, 2016

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APN sent the following written testimony to the platform drafting committees of the Republican and Democratic parties for consideration as they draft the portion of their platforms that addresses Israel and the Middle East:  

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The ongoing disagreement between Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Obama Administration over the terms of a new 10-year Memorandum of Understanding -- expected to commit the U.S. to annual financial assistance to Israel that will be far greater than that of the current MOU ($3.1 billion annually) -- is in the news this week, as Netanyahu and friends in Congress play hardball over demands for significantly increased funding for Israeli missile defense (over and above the funding in the current MOU).

Below are two articles from the Hebrew-language Israeli press, offering views that are somewhat different from those seen in English-language reports. [Translations by Israel News Today.]

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